Yoltetik: Corazón Fuerte
Opening Reception: Friday, June 3, 2022
Yoltetik: Corazón Fuerte brings together the works of Carolina Castillo, Marina Contreras, and Marisela Featherstone. The posters in this exhibition were produced during their time as undergraduate students at UC Davis and TANA interns. All works in this exhibit are a declaration of the desire to build a better future through heart, spirit, and mind.
Castillo, Contreras, and Featherstone, all use their corazón to offer a visualization of a decolonial world and future. Each artist works from personal issues in their lives and contextualizes the topics into a larger social political context of the Chicanx community. Castillo highlights her family and community in East Los Angeles, to talk about issues of patriarchy, gentrification, and celebrates the role of strong matriarchs in her family. Contreras highlights the topics of health, resilience, and connection to the earth in their work. Featherstone centers a re/connection to indigenous epistemologies and cosmologies through a gender-queer lens. By means of the hearts, minds, and spirits of these three artists, a reimagination of Chicanx-indigenous futures begins to take place.
The works in Yoltetik: Corazón Fuerte, give the viewer an insight into the trauma, pain, and suffering that the Chicanx-Latinx community faces. Yet, Castillo, Contreras, and Featherstone, refuse to let the fire in their hearts give out, instead they show us that through consciousness, action, and healing, we can begin to put ourselves and our communities together once again. Yoltetik: Corazón Fuerte reminds us that our corazónes will be the ones that will continue to light us into new ways of being and transform the future for those that are to come.

Reimagining Identity & Public Safety
April 1 – May 6, 2022
Join us Friday April 1, 5:30 -7:30pm for the opening of Reimagining Identity and Public Safety, a Brown Issues art exhibition, in partnership with TANA, of silkscreen prints and mixed media work. The show will feature work by young artists from Yolo County, reflecting on their identities, experiences, and hopes for the community that we all live in. These unique perspectives highlight a collective experience, reimagining community spaces and systems with the hope of affecting the consciousness of the entire public. The show will include a meet and greet with the youth artists, a live DJ, live silkscreen poster making, food from Antojitos Jaimito, and art for sale.
Reimagining Identity and Public Safety
Exhibit Dates: April 1 – May 6, 2022
Meet the Artists Reception: Friday April 1, 5:30 -7:30pm 2022
Live DJ / Food Truck / Live Poster Making
Location: Taller Arte del Nuevo Amanecer / 1224 Lemen Ave. Woodland, CA 95776
Hours: Tuesday –Thursday 1-6pm / Saturday 11-4PM / Friday by appointment (530-402-1065)
Reimagining Identity and Public Safety is a Brown Issues art exhibition that features young artists from Yolo County, reflecting on their identities, experiences, and hopes for the community that we all live in. Young people in Yolo County are struggling with poverty, over criminalization, racism, anxiety, depression, monotony, and a multigenerational battle with the legal system. These unique perspectives highlight a collective experience by reimagining community spaces and systems with the hope of altering the consciousness of the entire public.
Brown and Black youth are over-disciplined in school and over-policed in their communities. Angela Davis once said “When children attend schools that place a greater value on discipline and security than on knowledge and intellectual development, they are attending prep schools for prison.” Our safest schools and our safest communities don’t have the most police, they have the most resources. In the interest of public safety, it is everyone’s responsibility to help cultivate thriving youth leaders through infrastructures that nurture human growth and potential; rather than relying on structural forms of oppression. This is a call to action to shift the conditions that are holding the root problem in place.

Grabados del Alma:
Gráfica Contemporánea Oaxaqueña
(Engravings of the Soul: Contemporary Oaxacan Prints)
February, 18 – March 18, 2022
Taller Arte del Nuevo Amanecer is proud to present Grabados del Alma: Gráfica Contemporánea Oaxaqueña (Engravings of the Soul), an exhibition of relief prints by Oaxacan artists residing in both Northern California and Oaxaca, Mexico. The exhibition will be open to the public February 18 to March 18, 2022, with an opening reception on Friday, February 18, from 5:30 – 7:30PM.
Exhibition Dates: February, 18 – March 18, 2022
Opening Reception: Friday, February 18, 5:30 – 7:30pm
6:30PM Meet Artist Jhovany Rodriguez
Live DJ music
Location: Taller Arte del Nuevo Amanecer / 1224 Lemen Ave. Woodland, CA 95776
Hours: Tuesday –Thursday 1-6pm / Saturday 11-4PM / Friday by appointment (530-402-1065)
Participating Artists:
Yankel Balderas Pacheco, Jhovany Rodriguez, Stephany Sanchez, Gabriela Morac , Aide Nuncamdi, Cristopher Dias, Edith Chavez, Ivan Bautista, Yescka, MK Kabrito, Irving Herrera, Cesar Chavez, Yankel Balderas Pacheco.